Rose Classifications | Review Before You Buy

Gaga's Garden In Bloom

‘All a’ Twitter’ Description:

Twinkling brilliant orange
Tall, medium size blooms
Winter hardy

*Roses require 6-8 hours of full sun. They will bloom with 4 hours of full sun but they have more foliage and less blooms.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Plan your rose garden today

Get Your Red White & Blue In!

'Take It Easy' blooming on Memorial Day Week-End 2016

“Get your red, white and blue plants to liven up your holiday parties! ” ~ Susan Fox

Rose ‘Easy Does It’ Repeat Performance

Roses Roses Roses In Bloom

You want an easy-to-grow rose? ‘Easy Does It’ puts the easy in growing roses! ~ Susan Fox

3 Climbing Roses ‘Big As A Barn’

'Stormy Weather'

One qustion I am ask frequently is “what’s a great climbing rose?” Here are three early spring blooming climbing roses. Two that are as “big as a barn.” One is a compact ‘mysterious deep smoky purple that’s simply a stunner! 1. Above and Beyond’ LCI Winter hardy No-spray Minimal care Continue Reading

Winterizing Your Roses

Double Knock Out® Roses With Ice Crystals at Sunrise in The Garden

Seasons change and so do ‘Oui.”Do you seek permission to do something you want to do? Or get permission not to do something that you think you aught to do?* I do. Hold on to your bags of mulch! From ‘my lips to God’s ear’ I got permission from a Continue Reading