A New York State of Mind | The American Rose Convention

Susan Fox | 'Neil Diamond' 2nd Place Hybrid Tea Award Winner in 2014 American Rose Society Photography Contest Novice Class

This week-end is the American Rose Society Convention, Roses in a New York State of Mind, in Syracuse, NY at the Holiday Inn. Look for posts on my Gaga’s Garden Facebook page Garden Legends and on Twitter. I’m going to use the hashtag #gardenlegends because so many of the people Continue Reading

The Keys to the Gardening Kingdom, at the IGC Show

Star Roses & Plants Conard - Pyle Executives pictured with Susan Fox at IGC Show

What do you think is the key that will draw people to your event? The Independent Garden Center (IGC) Show was held last week, at Navy Pier on the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan where it meets the Chicago River. IGC Show Founders, Publishers, and Executive Directors Jeff and Cheryl Continue Reading