The Life & Times of David C.H. Austin by Dr. Tommy Cairns

David C. H. Austin & Bertie

This is the most in depth look at ‘The Life & Times’ of the creator of the English Rose, David C.H. Austin, Maker of Heavenly Roses’ who spent an outstanding lifetime working to make tangible contributions to the evolution of roses. His life is a
wonderful story well worth telling for generations to marvel at his
achievements. ~ Dr. Tommy Cairns

A Light Prospective of Roses | American Rose Convention 2015 | Syracuse, New York, Sept. 10-13

John Mattia holding ‘Dona Martin’  and his American Rose Magazine cover feature ‘Veterans Honor’ winner of the Digital Photography Hybrid Tea Award Winning ‘Veterans Honor’ The American Rose Society National Convention is September 10-13, Syracuse, NY at the Holiday Inn, Syracuse Photography Panelist Sally Long | Award Winning ‘Dick Clark’ Continue Reading

People Make Plants Come Alive at IGC

P. Allen Smith & me holding his beautiful rooster Edwin at #G2B14 in Little Rock, AR

Do plants give life to people or do people give life to plants? It’s the age old chicken or the egg causality dilemma, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” At The Independent Garden Show last week in Chicago, August 19-21, I had reason to ponder this theory. When Continue Reading